Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sex and the City 2

I think I can best summarize this film with a quote by Bret Easton Ellis: "The girls are back? WHAT Girls?" Not that I don't think it is absolutely great that older actresses are getting work in major Hollywood films in starring roles. However, this movie, though I have to admit was kind of fun, it is riddled with with triteness in a vacuum devoid of any substance, which I was hoping would be offset by the chemistry between the characters, but which was also ultimately lacking. Having been a fan of the series and pleasantly surprised by the first SATC movie, I found that this movie did not quite live up to the hype. As a viewer you will be bombarded by lines so cheesy you cannot help but laugh. Smaller stories that are never really fully developed, such as Stanford and Anthony's wedding, which awkwardly opens the movie and then we don't see the characters till a few seconds at the end or Charlotte's nanny story arc, which is resolved by quickly mentioning that she is a lesbian at the end (Deus ex machina, anyone?). This is coupled with elements that are so far from feasible in real life, like the fact that Charlotte and Miranda have full time help, Miranda can afford to quit her job in a recession, and that anyone could afford to have a second apartment in Manhattan in case they need a little escape seem a little preposterous. Yes I get this is a movie, but these are elements that contribute to how the fans are able to relate to the main characters, which is a huge part of why people love the show so much. There are of course some feel good and fun moments, such as a karaoke scene where the girls (I'll use that term loosely) sing "I am woman hear me roar" and a scene at a bazaar where Samantha gets caught carrying condoms, she flips the bird, and hilarity ensues. I also appreciated the social commentary regarding the "New Middle East" a refreshing look at the whole Dubai/Abu Dhabi publicity blitz in the last few years, and how the movie offered a somewhat critical look at the hypocrisy of it. My verdict is that if you are a fan and are slightly nostalgic for a little SATC in your life, you could watch this, but at your own discretion. And it is really much easier to have a sense of humor about it, otherwise it will just seem absolutely terrible.

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